La 2ème Division Blindée de Leclerc
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 501 RCC Marquages

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3 participants
Liam Flood
Langue pendue

Nombre de messages : 274
Age : 70
Localisation : North Yorkshire, England
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2020

501 RCC Marquages Empty
MessageSujet: 501 RCC Marquages   501 RCC Marquages EmptySam 29 Aoû 2020 - 13:12

Les chars du 501RCC. Compagnie 1e et 2e.

Il y avait un nombre (la tourelle) et un nom, bien sur.

Mais quelle couleur?

Je croyais toujours bleu, mais maintenant toute la monde dit c''etait vert.

J'ai vu "Austerlitz" @ Place d'Etoile en film couleur. Ca a l'air verte, mais le ciel bleu aussi, c'est vert!

Est-ce que quelqu'un le sait.

Merci d'Angleterre
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Laurent fournier
Langue pendue

Nombre de messages : 3286
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2006

501 RCC Marquages Empty
MessageSujet: 501 RCC Marquages   501 RCC Marquages EmptySam 29 Aoû 2020 - 13:54

Hello Liam,

welcome on the Forum. About the colour of the names and numbers they were green. Here under is the memories of Jean-René CHAMPION, the driver of the Sherman MORT-HOMME, who was at the origine of the green color of the numbers and names.

Best regards
Laurent (Larry) Fournier

Jean René Champion driver of MORT-HOMME

My tank was baptized "Mort-Homme" and was given the number 36. Mort-Homme was the site of vicious fighting in 1916 between French and German forces. Other tanks in the company bore such famous names as Argonne, Marne, Vimy, and Douaumont, and each tank had its own identifying number. "Mort-Homme" means "dead man" in French. I don't recall that either I or any of my crew-members saw in that name an omen of possible dire things to befall us. In keeping with my reputation in the company as an "artist" I was assigned the task, by my platoon commander, of painting the names, numbers, and other required identifiers on the five tanks of the platoon. The names went on the sides of the tank body in large light khaki letters which I bordered in white and the numbers in the same color scheme on the sides of the turrets. Since my platoon, designated the 1st Platoon, was the first one to be adorned with the regulation symbols, Captain Branet, after having viewed and approved my handiwork, ordered the other platoons of the company to follow the same lettering and color scheme. Needless to say I found myself involved in far more "signpainting" than I would have preferred. Our main job, however, was not to adorn and decorate but to become intimately knowledgeable about our equipment and to learn how to operate it in conjunction with other elements of the company, of the regiment, and of the division. We threw ourselves into that task with enthusiasm.
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pascal binda
Langue pendue
pascal binda

Nombre de messages : 324
Age : 56
Localisation : Vosges 88
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2019

501 RCC Marquages Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 501 RCC Marquages   501 RCC Marquages EmptySam 29 Aoû 2020 - 14:03

MERCI Laurent pour le ch'ti clin d'oeil a mon GRAND PÈRE

thumleft thumleft
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Liam Flood
Langue pendue

Nombre de messages : 274
Age : 70
Localisation : North Yorkshire, England
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2020

501 RCC Marquages Empty
MessageSujet: 501 RCC Marquages   501 RCC Marquages EmptySam 29 Aoû 2020 - 14:59

Je suis convaincu.

C'est bien, merci!
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501 RCC Marquages Empty
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501 RCC Marquages
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