La 2ème Division Blindée de Leclerc
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 Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck?

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2011

Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? Empty
MessageSujet: Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck?   Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? EmptyVen 6 Mai 2011 - 14:01

First of all can I apologise that I cannot speak French. I am so sorry I cannot phrase my question in the language of tehe forum - I hope you might forgive this indiscretion..

I am building a scale model scene based on La 2ème Division Blindée de Leclerc - I will have a M4A2 Sherman, a Jeep and I also wanted to include a transport truck.

Can any of the forum members tell me if the American GMC CCKW 353 was used by the division? Links to any photographs would eb greatly appreciated...

Once again - I do apologise that I cannot speak French. I hope you will not be offended by my asking this question in English.

Best Regards, Steve
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Laurent fournier
Langue pendue

Nombre de messages : 3415
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2006

Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? Empty
MessageSujet: Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck?   Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? EmptyLun 9 Mai 2011 - 6:14

Good morning Steve,
my name is Laurent (Larry) Fournier, I will look in my books an answer you tomorrow, I think they had this truck, but I'm not sure.

Best regards
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Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2011

Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck?   Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? EmptyLun 9 Mai 2011 - 8:49

Laurent fournier a écrit:
Good morning Steve,
my name is Laurent (Larry) Fournier, I will look in my books an answer you tomorrow, I think they had this truck, but I'm not sure.

Best regards

Many thanks Larry,

I really appreciate your assiatance.

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Laurent fournier
Langue pendue

Nombre de messages : 3415
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2006

Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? Empty
MessageSujet: Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck?   Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? EmptyLun 9 Mai 2011 - 9:10

Hello Steve,

In your title you write 535 and in your text you write 353! Which is the good number?
Nevertheless, both were used by the 2eDB ["Free French" 2nd Armored Division] but for transportation of fuel, ammunition or pieces and parts for the vehicles of the 2eDB. As you know, the 2eDB was made of different units (infantry, artillery, tanks, etc...) and each unit was made of sub-units among which some had GMC trucks used to perform tasks as mentioned above. Yes, I have several photos of GMC trucks of the 2eDB and Alain EYMARD, who wrote a book about the organisation of the 2eDB, has some also, I will see with him if he agrees to send you copies.

Best regards
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Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2011

Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck?   Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? EmptyLun 9 Mai 2011 - 9:32

Laurent fournier a écrit:
Hello Steve,

In your title you write 535 and in your text you write 353! Which is the good number?
Nevertheless, both were used by the 2eDB ["Free French" 2nd Armored Division] but for transportation of fuel, ammunition or pieces and parts for the vehicles of the 2eDB. As you know, the 2eDB was made of different units (infantry, artillery, tanks, etc...) and each unit was made of sub-units among which some had GMC trucks used to perform tasks as mentioned above. Yes, I have several photos of GMC trucks of the 2eDB and Alain EYMARD, who wrote a book about the organisation of the 2eDB, has some also, I will see with him if he agrees to send you copies.

Best regards

Apologies! Embarassed

I meant '353' of course.

If you have photos and can arrange copies I would be so grateful! That would be wonderful reference for my project.

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Liam Flood
Langue pendue

Nombre de messages : 292
Age : 71
Localisation : North Yorkshire, England
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2020

Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? Empty
MessageSujet: GMC camion   Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? EmptySam 2 Jan 2021 - 16:43

J'ai fait la même chose aujourd'hui. Heller fait un très beau modèle au 1/72 et Braille Strike fait les décalcomanies.

Avez-vous terminé cela? (Google's version of "Me too, working today on a 1/72 scale version. Next the Academy one. Hard to find but got one)

Wonder did you finish it?

Best wishes

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Did La 2ème Division use the GMC CCKW 535 transport truck? Empty
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