Japanese surrender aboard the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945.
In the foreground,
General Yoshijiro Umezu is signing the surrender terms for the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters.
On the general’s right, opposite side of table, is
Lt. Gen. Richard K. Sutherland,
General MacArthur’s Chief of Staff.
Back of microphones stands General of the Army Douglas MacArthur.
Reading left to right, the first row of men facing the camera in back of General MacArthur are:
Admiral of the Fleet Chester W. Nimitz;
Gen. Hsu-Yung-chang, China;
Adm. Sir Bruce Fraser, Britain;
Lt. Gen. Derevyanko, USSR;
Gen. Sir Thomas Blarney, Australia;
Col. L. Moore Cosgrave, Canada;
Gen. “Jacques Leclerc” (Count Philippe de Hauteclocque), France; Vice Adm. Conrad Helfrich. Netherlands;
Air Vice Marshal L. M. Isitt, New Zealand.
The officer at the extreme right is Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright. (Photo by Larry Keighley)
Voir aussi dans le chapitre Philatélie